Vendor Partner membership is for hospitality suppliers and vendors of services, products, and resources that are critical for quality hospitality properties. Vendor Membership allows for frequent exposure to Texas Bed and Breakfast Association members. Vendor Partners (Vendors and Businesses ONLY – not for Innkeepers).

The Association offers 4 Vendor Partner Memberships:

    • Vendor – BRONZE Partner Membership $600 per year. Includes Booth Fee for the Annual Conference for 1 person, 1 Webinar to Members, and 1 Email Blast to TBBA database.
    • Vendor – SILVER Partner Membership $850 per year. Includes Booth Fee for the Annual Conference for 1 person, Speaking Opportunity at Conference, 1 Webinar to Members, and 2 Email Blasts to TBBA members.
    • Vendor – GOLD Partner Membership $1300 per year. Includes Booth Fee for the Annual Conference for 2 people, Conference Speaking Opportunity, 2 Webinars to TBBA members, and 3 Email Blasts to TBBA members.
    • Vendor – DIAMOND Partner Membership $2000 per year. Includes Booth Fee for the Annual Conference for 2 people, one premium speaking opportunity (breakfast or lunch), one general speaking opportunity, featured meal sponsorship, 2 Webinars to TBBA members, and 3 Email Blasts to TBBA members.

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